Subscription – Courses from the Heralds of the Gospel RECONQUEST Platform

Courses from the Heralds of the Gospel RECONQUEST Platform

Subscription – Courses from the Heralds of the Gospel RECONQUEST Platform

By subscribing to the Reconquest platform of the Heralds of the Gospel, you will have access to Catholic Formation courses which will help you get to know your Faith in greater depth and walk the path to sanctity!

The teachers are priests and missionaries from all over the world, trained in the most diverse areas to provide you with complete formation, covering a wide range of topics of piety, such as Consecration to Our Lady, the Formation of Children, the Grace of God, Prayer, and topics on married life.

By subscribing to this platform you are contributing to the missionary activities of the Heralds of the Gospel Association, and spreading the message of the Gospel all over the world! This community is beginning in English. There are already dozens of courses available in Portuguese and Spanish. Today we are offering the Mariology course in English and, one by one, new courses will be regularly published.

As a subscriber you will have access to all of them.